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發(fā)布時間:2024-10-18 查看人數:84


第一篇 初中期中總結會上的發(fā)言 1250字







“半杯水”(half cup of water ),(我特意用英語調動一下學生的情緒)當你經過長途跋涉,口干舌燥,看到桌子上的.半杯水,你會怎樣?(有同學說,喝了它)我這有三個對這“半杯水”的態(tài)度:啊,才半杯水呀;咦,還有半杯水;哦,半杯水,我想辦法給弄成一杯水。(學生都明白我的意思了,都說我是第三種態(tài)度。)

“滴水之恩,當涌泉相報”(give me a drop of water,i will give you a spring of water):才給我一滴水呀,我不報;滴水之恩,我應當涌泉相報;不給我一滴水,我也以涌泉相報。(學生們想也不想,第三種了)

“好人有好報”(kind man will receive kind gaving ):哦,好人呀,不知道什么時候才能得到回報的,我不當好人;始終堅信,好人有好報,我要當好人;即使不能得到回報,我也要當好人,贈人玫瑰手留余香嘛,幫助別人也就是幫助自己嘛,幫助別人留給自己快樂和自信嘛。(同學們歡呼呀,第三種)




第二篇 初中期中考試總結與反思 3450字

















期末考試考的比較差,數108 語105 外106 地83 政59 歷65 生80 ,我認為問題出在以下幾個方面:

















成功一定有方法,失敗肯定有原因。吃一塹,長一智。 考完后總結反思固然重要,但是更重要的是找到新的起點,有的同學一次考試失敗了就一蹶不振,我想這樣做是沒有必要的,應該做一個學習的強者,應重新找到自己的起點,一定要堅信沒有風雨怎能見彩虹。用一個好心情,用一種平常心投入到下一輪的學習,相信自己只要付出,就會有回報。有了新的起點,就要向新的目標前進、奮斗。有的同學考完后很有動力,列了一大堆復習計劃,下了一大堆決心,但是幾天過后就又像以前一樣了,所以請大家要用毅力堅持學習下來,如果一直像以前,不做出改變的話,下次考試怕又要名落孫山,正如0,你不在前面畫一個1時,0還是0,所以請大家能找到起點并揚長補短,努力學習,愿你們的付出會有收獲。最后我送給同學們一句話:“無志之人常立志,有志之人立長志”。

第三篇 最新的期中考試總結初中 700字






第四篇 初中期中考試物理教師反思總結 2000字






第五篇 初中期中的考試總結 650字


no·1 基礎知識不牢固




no·3 面對錯題不重視

曾經有一些錯題,出現在我的面前,而我卻沒有重視,從來只是把答案改正確就可以了。等我考試的時候,絞盡腦汁想那道錯題的解法時,才后悔莫及人世間最痛苦的事莫過于此。從來沒有想過分析一下自己為什么錯,錯在哪兒?這也導致了,碰見以前做過的`類似錯題還,是無從下手。以后我對待錯題要認真分析,仔細改正,學會活學活用。 我相信在我的努力下,這次期中考試的成績,不僅僅是空前,也是絕后。


第六篇 初中期中考試工作總結900字 900字


在剛剛結束的期中考試里,我犯了很多不該犯的錯誤。 我一向語文很好,可是這次鬼使神差的,語文竟然錯了很多不該錯的地方。經過我的仔細反思,我想這和我閱讀題目不認真有著很大的關系。這點也同樣延伸到了數學和英語方面。很多計算和語法上的小錯誤讓我丟掉了不少分數。例如:(這個我不能替你寫,不知道你究竟錯了什么,舉上幾個小例子就行,50字左右) 我知道老師對于我有著很大的期望,可是我還是沒有考好。對于這點我感到十分抱歉。但是既然犯了錯誤就要改正,所以,通過考試我也想了很多以后一定要學習的東西。


其次,我還要加強語文、數學、英語三門主科以及政治、歷史、地理、生物和物理的習題強化。通過考試,我終于明白山外有山,人外有人。平日大家都聚在一起做一樣的題目,感覺不出來有什么明顯的差異。可是一當考試,才發(fā)現原來那么多考試題目是我從來看都沒看過的(你就先編著吧)。只怪自己買的練習題做的少。不能允許自己再繼續(xù)這樣下去,所以,我一定要加倍努力,從這次考試之中汲取教訓,增加力量,為下一次考試做好準備,打好基礎。 考試技巧貴在練習。生活之中,我還要多多加強自己的練習和復習,考試之前制定周詳的復習計劃,不再手忙腳亂,沒有方向。平日生活學習中學會積累,語文積累好詞好句,數學也要多積累難的題目,英語則是語法項目。對做完形填空等練習題也是提高英語的好方法。

期中考試畢竟不是期末考試,我還是有機會的。下一次考試,我要更努力,爭取不讓老師、家長和同學們失望。不讓自己失望。 對于各科老師,我希望老師不要對我失去信心,雖然我這次考得并不理想,但是我相信自己的實力。下一次考試,我一定會努力的!

第七篇 初中期中考試家長總結 1000字








第八篇 初中期中總結 700字







第九篇 初中語文期中考試試卷總結 1200字





















第十篇 初中英語期中考試總結 9100字



(一)基礎:引導詞---who, which, that, whom,

練習1.i like cities___________are quiet and clean. 2.i prefer students _________are hard- working.

3.i hate tv shows _________ are noisy and boring.4.the music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot.

5.the food __________tastes delicious is not always healthy.

6.those boys ___________ are playing basketballs over there are from class fifteen.

7.the books ____________ are written by lu xun are worth reading.

8.the town ___we visited last week is much larger than before.9.the book ___ he bought is very interesting.


1先行詞被___________或___________所修飾,或本身是______________________時,只能用 that,

2.被修飾的先行詞為 ________________________________________________等不定代詞時, 只能用 that.

3.先行詞被 _____________________________________________等詞修飾時,只能用 that,而不用 which。

4.先行詞里同時含有______________________,如i can remember well the persons and some pictures that i saw in the room.

5. 以______________________引導的特殊疑問句,只能用that.如: who is the girl that is crying?

練習1. i am interested in everything___ is about the 2006 world cup.

2. is there anything___i can do for you? 3. this is the very bike ______i lost

4.to my surprise, he gave me nothing __ i need. 5.this is the best dictionary __ i have ever used.

6. he was the first person _______passed the exam.

7.he talked happily about the men and books________interested him greatly.

(三)whose 1. the student ______father works in the factory is sitting there.

2. i like the rooms ______windows face south.3. this is the desk ______legs were broken.

4the woman ___ umbrella you took is angry about it.5.here comes a girl ___ handwriting is the best .

6the banana __skin is green can’t be eaten.7that tall tree _ leaves are yellow is very old.


1-he is one of the boys who ____ (doesn’t, don’t) finish doing homework.

2-i like films which ____(be) exciting and interesting.

3-children who often ____(eat) junk food are easy to become fat and unhealthy.

4-that boy who _____(run) fastest is from our class.

5those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school. (be)

6the trees which _____ (be) watered yesterday belong to them. 7the man who ____ over there is our teacher.(stand) 8those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school. (be)

9mr. brown is one of the foreign experts _______ _________ (work) in china.

10i’m one of the boys ______ ________(like) english best.

(五)“介詞+關系代詞”注意: 介詞的選用要考慮:


1)i will never forget the day __________ i joined the army.

2) i will never forget the days ______ i worked here.

3) i will never forget the year ____________ my son went to college.

b. 與謂語動詞的搭配習慣

1)have you found the book ________i paid 29 dollars?

2)have you found the book ________i spent 29 dollars?

3) have you found the book _____________we learnt a lot?

4) have you found the book _______she often talks?


練習:1. it must be a good place ________________we can do a lot of exercise.

2.this is the village _________________we visited last week.

3.the house _______ we live in is very big./ the house _______ we live is very big

4. the woman ___________ talked to you just now is a doctor. the woman ______ you talked to is my sister.

the woman to ___________ you talked is my sister. 5. this is the hospital ____________ i was born in.

this is the hospital in _________i was born. this is the hospital____________ i was born.

綜合練習一. 用適當的關系代詞或關系副詞填空

1. the boy ______ is wearing the black jacket is very clever.

2. this is the present ____he gave me for my birthday.3.the man _______ talked to you just now is an engineer.

4. he talked about the teachers and schools _______ he had visited.

5. there is nothing in the world ______can frighten him.6. we visited a factory _______makes toys for children.

7. is this the place _______ your father once lived 8. i’ll never forget the days _______ i joined the league.

9the car______my father bought last month is beautiful.10the man______hair is white is his grandfather.

二 ( )1.rosa likes music ___ is quiet and gentle. a. when b. that c. where d. who

( )2.--is the girl _ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend--yes, she is a journalist from cctv.

a. whom b. which c. who d. whose

( )3 yao ming is a famous basketball star ___ is playing in the nba. a. whose b. who c. what d. which

( )4. the doctor ___i am waiting for is mr. smith. a. which b. whom c. whose d. why

( )5. --- do you know hong zhanhui? ---yes. he’s the college student ____ has moved chinese people a lot.

a. who b. which c. what d. whom

( )6. in my family, my sister is the only person __ loves chocolate. a. which b. who c. whom d. she

( )7. this is the place ____ the old man lived last year. a. when b. where c. that d.which

( ) 8. the song ___ jay zhou sings are popular with students. a. why b. whom c. what d. which

( )9. the farmer was very thankful to the doctor ___ treated his son. a. what b. which c. who d. whose

( )10.i like to live in a house__ is big and bright. a. that b. who c. how d. why

( )11. the young lady ___ we met yesterday is our new math teacher. a. what b. whose c. whom d. which

( )12. --can you introduce the town to me? --ok. this is the town in __ i was born. a. that b. who c. which

( )13. miss green is the only person __ can help you with your english. a. she b. whom c. which d. who

( )14. i like the second football match ___was held last week. a. which b. who c. that d. /

( )15. is there anything ____ to you? a. that is belonged b. that belongs c. that belong d. which belongs

( )16. i hate people ___ don’t help others when they are in trouble. a. who b. which c. they

( )17. this is the only book ___i am looking for. a. that b. which c. who d. whom

( )18 her sister__ you met at my home was a teacher of english. a. whom b. that is c. which d. who is

( )19 the book__is sold out at the moment. a.you need bwhat you need c.which you need it d that you need it

( )20 i'm one of the boys ______never late for school. a. that is b. who are c. who am d. who is

( )21.__cleans the classroom can go home first. a. anyone b. those who c. however d. the one who

( )22. the old man __yesterday is a scientist.a.i spoke b. i spoke to c. whom i spoke d. that i spoke to him


1.--- is the girl __ is interviewing the manager of that company your friend? --yes, she is a journalist from cctv. a. whom b. which c. who d. whose

2. do you still remember the movie _____ we saw last weekend? a. who b. what c. that d. whom

3. ---who is your new english teacher? ---elena, the woman ____ is wearing a red t-shirt over there.

a. 不填 b. whom c. whose d. who

4. is that the man _____ helped us a lot after the earthquake? a. whose b. which c. when d. who

5. ---what are you looking for? --- i’m looking for the pen ___ i bought yesterday. a. who b. which c. whose

6. this is the novel_____ written by guo jingming. a. who b. what c. that d. /

7. we should be ready to help the people ____ are in trouble. a. whose b. whom c. which d. who

8. two years has passed, but chinese people still remember those exciting days ____ they spent during the beijing 2008 olympic games. a. that b. who c. when

9. the magician _____ played magic tricks in 2008 cctv spring festival gala is liu qian. he is popular in china now. a. whose b. who c. which

10. july likes music very much. she likes music ____ she can dance to. a. what b. who c. that

11. at school, you should do the things _____ are allowed by the teachers. a. that b. when c. what

12. thought is the key _____ opens the doors of the world. a. why b. where c. which d. who

13. the gentlemen ___ are coming to my office tomorrow are my classmates many years ago.

a. whom b. who c. those d. which

14. that’s the man _____ house was destroyed in the storm. a. that b. whose c. who d. which

15. the girl ____ i just talked with is ben’s sister. a. whom b. which c. she

16. i love people ____ are friendly to others. a. which b. whose c. what d. who

17. it’s time to say goodbye to my school. i’ll always remember the people _____ have helped me.

a. who b. what c. which d. where

18. i like the teacher ____ classes are very interesting and creative. a. which b. who c. what d. whose

19. do you know the boy ____ is sitting next to peter? ---yes. he is peter’s friend. they are celebrating his ____ birthday. a. who, ninth b. that, nineth c. /, nineth d. which, ninth

20.shaolintemple__lies in the west of zhengzhou welcomes the visitors from abroad.a.where b.which c.who




如where does she live? ( do you know?) ----do you know where she lives?


which is the way to the nearest shop?/ what’s wrong with you?/ what’s up?/ what’s the matter?


第二:時態(tài); 1)如果主句是___________,賓語從句時態(tài)根據實際情況而定.

如:1. it’s going to rain. i think. ---i think it’s going to rain.

2. “i will go with you .” he says. ---he says he will go with me.

3. he studied english ten years ago. i know. i know he studied english ten years ago.


如:it’s going to rain. i thought. ---i thought it was going to rain.

“i will go with you.” he said. ---he said he would go with me.

3). 若從句表達的是___________,規(guī)律,不管主句是什么時態(tài),從句都用___________。

如1 the earth turns round the sun. the teacher told us---the teacher told us that the earth turns round the sun.

2 light travels much faster than sound. she said … ---she said that light travels much faster than sound.

第三:連接詞1)如果被連接的句子是___________,那么連接詞用___________, (也可省)

如1. he’ll be back in a month. ( i hear…) i hear ( that ) he will be back in a month.

2. i have been to the great wall once. ( he tells me…) he tells me ( that ) he has been to the great wall once.


如:*does he live in that house? ( she asked me …) she asked me if/ whether he lived in that house.

*have you finished your homework? ( i want to know…) i want to know if you have finished your homework.

3) ___________句,用原句中的特殊疑問詞引導:what, who, where, when, which, why, how (many/ much/ often/ long/ old).如: who are you waiting for? can you tell me? --- can you tell me who you are waiting for?

what did he do yesterday? i don’t know. ---i don’t know what he did yesterday.

***其中 以wh- 疑問詞或how 引導的賓語從句與動詞不定式可相互轉換

如i don’t know what i can do.可以說成 i don’t know what to do.

the policeman showed me where i could get books. 可以說成the policeman showed me where to get books.

can you tell me how i can make a kite?可以說成 can you tell me how to make a kite?

4).賓語從句___________。在_________________________________等動詞所跟的賓語中,如果從句謂語是否定的,一般要將否定詞not轉移至主句謂語上去,而將從句謂語改為肯定形式。如:i don’t think he has time to play with the girl.


1.i want to know __

a. whom is she looking after b. whom she is looking c.whom is she looking d.whom she is looking after

2.i don't know _________ the day after tomorrow.

a.when does he come b.how will he come c.if he comes d.whether he'll come

3.could you tell me _________ the nearest hospital is?a.what b.how c.whether d.where

4.could you tell me _________ the radio without any help?

a.how did he mend b.what did he mend c.how he mended d.what he mended

5.i don't know if he____ tomorrow. if he _____,i'll tell you.

a.comes, comes b.will come, will come c. will come, comes d. comes, will come

6.do you know where _________ now?a.he lives b.does he live c.he lived d.did he live

7.do you know what time ___?a.the train leave b.does the train leave c.will the train leave dthe train leaves

8.i don't know _________ .can you tell me,please? a.how the two players are old

b.how old are the two players c.the two players are how old d.how old the two players are

9.the small children don't know _________ . a.what is their stockings in

b.what is in their stockings c.where is their stockings in d.what in their stockings

10.i can't understand _________ . a.what does christmas mean b.what christmas does mean

c.what mean christmas does d.what christmas means

11 . when the job______, let me know. a .do b .done c .is done d .finished

12 .she asked me if i knew__ .a .whose pen is it b .whose pen it was c whose pen it is d .whose pen was it 13 .miss li wants to know _____________next week . a .when my uncle leaves

b .when will my uncle leave c .where my uncle will stay d .where does my uncle stay

14 .could you tell me ________________with the money ? a .how to do b .what should i do c .how i should do d .what i should do


( )1. everyone can play an important role in the society.as members,we should try our best to do__.

a. what we should do b. what should we do c. how we should do

( )2. --i really hope to keep in touch with lily. --sorry. i don't know __.

a. what her name is b. what her job is c. what her number is d. when she left

( )3 —can you tell me ______? —by doing more speaking. a how i will improve my english

b. which way can i choose c. how do i deal with my english d. what’s wrong with my english

( )4. how lovely the dog is ! can you tell me _____?

a. where did you get it b. where will you get it c. where you got it

( )5.. --excuse me, could you tell me ____ the book about aliens? --sure, take the escalator to the second floor.

a. where i can buy b. where can i buy c. when can i buy d. when i can buy

( )6-“do you know_ have our summer holiday?”-“next week.”a.when will we b.when are wec. when we will

( )7 ---do you know ____ the mp4 yesterday? -- sorry, i’ve no idea about it.

a. how much did he pay for b. how much he paid for c. he paid for how much d. he paid how much for

( )8--what time will mr. brown be back to china? -- sorry. i don’t know ___.

a. when did he go abroad b.why he is going abroad c.how soon will he be back dhow long he will stay abroad

( )9. you can’t image ___ when the pupils received these nice presents on children’s day.

a. how they were excited b. how excited they were c. how excited were they d. they were how excited

( )10. –can you tell me ______?–she is in the computer lab.

a. where linda was b. where is linda c. where was linda d. where linda

( )11. –do you know _______ the capital museum? –next friday.

a. when will they visit b. when they will visit c. when did they visit d. when they visited

( )12. he wanted to know____the english party.

a. when will we have b. when we will have c. when would we have d. when we would have

( )13. i want to know_______.

a. when we should arrive at the airport b. when should we arrive at the airport

c. when the airport we should arrive at d. when the airport should we arrive at

( )14. –david, look at the man in white over there. can you tell me_______? –he is a doctor.

a. who is he b. who he is c. what is he d. what he is

( )15. –do you know___the girl in red is? –i’m not sure. maybe a teacher. a. when b. how c. where d. what

( )16. your t-shirt is so cool. could you tell me ________?

a. where you buy it b. where do you buy it c. where you bought it d. where did you buy it is

( )17. i really want to know ____ . a. what is wrong with my brother

b. how will he go to beijing tomorrow c. if had he bought that car d. where did he go yesterday

( )18. excuse me, sir. could you tell me ?

a.where is the bank nearestb. where is the nearest bankc.where the nearest bank isd. the nearest bank is where

( )19.lily’s mother looked for her for half an hour, but couldn’t find ____.

a. what lily was. b. what was lily c. where lily was d. where was lily

( )20--could you tell me___? he is wanted by the head teacher.--sorry, i’ve no idea.but he _ here just now.

a. where tim was, was b. where is tim,was c. where tim is,was d.where tim is,is


一).條件狀語從句:引導詞為:if, unless。


主句_______________, 從句______________.

練習:1.i am waiting for my friend.____________, i’ll do shopping alone.

a.if she comes b.if she will come c.if she doesn’t come d.if she didn’t come

2.i am sure i can make it better, if our teacher _________me a second chance.a.give b.gaved c.gives d.will give

3.the art club is for members only. you can’t go in___you are a member. a.unless b.because c.if d.though

4.i ________the cds to you if i have time tomorrow. a.will return b.returned c.have returned d.return

5. 1)you won’t pass the final exam ___________(除非)you work hard.

2) the children __________ climb the mountain if it __________________(不下雨)

3) _______________________if he comes. (給我打電話)

二)時間狀語從句:(常見從屬連詞有when,before, after, until, as soon as, while…)

1)as soon as he _____in paris, he will call you. a.arrive b.arrived c.arrives

2)don’t leave until the rain_______.a.stopped b.stops c.stopping d.stop

3)you can go skating after you ____a.finish the job b.finished the job c.finishing the job

4) i’ll tell her the good news when he _____ back. a.came b.comes c.come

5)father was watching tv ________ mum was washing dishes. a.before b. while c.after d.until

6)i was watching tv ____ you called me last night. a.when b.while c.until d.after

7) i ______ here since i came to china. a.lived b.have lived c.am living d. had living

8).my grandma didn’t go to sleep______ i got back home. a.till b.until c.since d.when

三)原因狀語從句: (常用連詞有because, since, as)

1. tom is ill at home, _____he can’t come here. a.so b.if c.because d.and

2.—why did you come to school late this morning?--___i watched the football world cup until 12:00 last night. a.if b.because c.since d.though

3.i hope to go to france some day__there are many museums there.a.though b. unless c. because d. where

四)結果狀語從句:由so… that…/such…that/so that引導的從句(so后接形、副原級)


he ran so fast that i couldn’t catch up with him. =______________________________________________

the box is so heavy that i can’t carry it= ___________________________________________________

2)“so… that +從句”與“enough to”的替換

he’s so strong that he can carry the box.=___________________________________________________

he is not old enough to go to school.=________________________________________________________

3)so that…/ so…that…/such…that ____________________________________________________________

如:he got up early in the morning so that he could catch the early bus.

the boy is so strong that he can lift up the heavy stone. he is such a clever boy that all of us like him.

練習:1.--he was _______tired ______he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. -- oh, we can go out and let him have a good rest..a.too;to b.so; that c.enough; to d.such; that

2.there were _______many people ____i couldn’t find where she is. a.so;that b.so;as c.such;that d.as;that

3. he ran as fast as possible__he could reach school on time. a.in order to b so as to c such that d so that

4. they are ___interesting books __ i want to read them once more.a.so that b.such…that c.too…to d.so…that


1.you may leave the classroom when you__writing.a.will finish bare finishing c have finished dhad finished

2. would you give johnny this letter if you ________ to see him this week.

a. will happen b. happen c. are happened d. happened

3. she was busy, ____she couldn’t go to your birthday party last night. a. and b. so c. or d. but

4. english is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world.

a. so…that b. such…that c. so…because d. such…because

5. don’t cross the street __ the traffic lights are green. a. after b. until c. while d. since

6. your dream won’t come true__ you know what your dream is. a. after b. unless c. while d. since

7. --could you ask him if he __to my birthday party next sunday? –i will, if i __ him this afternoon.

a. comes, meet b. will come, will meet c. comes, will meet d. will come, meet

8. sarah is ______ a hard-working girl ______ she often works late into night.

a. so; that b. too; to c. such; that d. not only; but also


1.—where was your brother at this time last night?—he was writing an e-mail ___i was watching tv at home.

a.as soon as b.after c.until d.while

2.the film “kung fu panda” is___interesting__i would like to see it again. a.such,that b.too,to c.as,as d.so that

3.tom will call me as soon as he ___home. a.gets b.has got c.got d.will get

4. we will have no water to drink___we don’t protect the earth. a.until b.before c.though d.if

5.we won’t start the meeting ___our teacher arrives. a.though b.until c.while d.or

6.bob promises to join in the football match____he has to help his parents on the farm..

a. if b.as c. unless d. when

7.___it’s difficult to make her dream come ture, she never gives up. a.though b.unless c.because d.if

8.---could you tell me when mr. li___in huanggang?---sure. when he ___, i’ll call you.

a.arrives; will arrive b.will arrive; arrives c.arrives; arrives d.will arrive; will arrive

9.in summer, food goes bad easily__it is put in the refrigerator. a.until b.if c.unless

10.a moment, please. i’m checking if mr. smith__free tomorrow. a.is b.being c.to be d.will be

11.i didn’t go to bed __my mother came back late last night.a.so; b.until c.though

12.hurry up,___you will miss the early train. a. or b.and c.if d.unless

13.---tommy, do you know if frank___to the theatre with us this sunday if it ___?---sorry, i have no idea.

a.will go, is fine; b.goes, is fine c.will go, is going to be fine d.goes; will be fine

14.what a beautiful painting it is! i’ve never seen ___painting. a.such a b.a c.such d.this better

15.i don’t know __he will come tomorrow.___he comes, i’ll tell you.

a.if, whether b.whether, whether c.if, that d.if, if


( )1.is this museum_ they visited last month? a. that b. where c. which d. the one

( )2. is that book ____ he borrowed on friday? a. that b. which c. who d. the one

( )3 the second book__i want to read is business at the speed of thought. a. which b. what c. that d. as

( )4 –do you know the man __is running along the street? a who b which c whom

( )5. without friendship, one can’t be happy although he is rich enough. as for me, i will never forget the days ___i spent with my dearest friend. a that b when c who

( )6 this is the best tv play __we have seen this year. a when b what c who d that

( )7--have you found the information about famous people ____you can use for report?

--not yet. i’ll search some on the internet. a which b who c what d whom

( )8--have you been to the sports center___ is just opened in town? - -no, no yet.

a where b who c that d when

( )9 --bob, where do you work?--i work for a company ___sells cars. a which b where c what

( )10____ have finished the work can leave. a. those who b. anyone c. the one who

( )11. the building that ___new is our school. a. is b. are c. was d. were

( )12. the pandas that we saved ____better now. a. are b. were c. is d. was

( )13 this is the only thing _________ i have lost.a.which b.that c.where

( )14.--could you tell me____?--sorry, i don’t know. i was not at the meeting. a. what does he say at the meeting. b what did he say at the meeting. c. what he says at the meeting d. what he said at the meeting

( )15. no one can be sure____ in a million years.

a. what man looks like b. what will man look like c. man will look like what d. what man will look like

( )16. -- could you tell me ____?-- she is a student in eton school.

a. where kate is studying b. how kate studies c .why kate was studying d. when kate studied

( )17.-- could you tell me___ yesterday?-- about two hours. a. how long it takes to fly to guilin b. how long it took to fly to guilin c.how long does it take to fly to guiln d. how long did it take to fly to guilin

( )18. please tell me____.a. what is wrong with the boy b. what is the boy wrong c. what wrong the boy is

( )19. she will hate him when she _more about him .a.knowsb .know c.will know dis going to know

( )20. --excuse me. do you know_____?--sorry, i don’t know. a. where is no. 1 middle school

b. where no. 1 middle school is c. no. 1 middle school is where d. no. 1 middle school where is

( )21. at the science museum,the boys and girls get to know__________. a. what is the spaceship like

b. what the spaceship looks like c. how the spaceship looks 1ike d. how does the spaceship1ook like

( )22. he didn’t tell me ____.

a. which floor did he live on b. which floor he lived on c. which floor he lived d. he lived on which floor

( )23. i’m new here. could you tell me__, please?a. when does the first bus arrive b. when the first bus arrives

c. when did the first bus arrive d.when will the first bus arrive

( )24. i wonder how long_______school?

a. has he been away from b. he has been away c. he has left d. he has been away from

( )25. ---we can use msn to talk with each other on the internet. ---really? will you please show ____it? ‘

a. what to use b. how to use c. how can i use d. where can i use

( )26. the teacher asked the students . a. if they were interested in chatting online

b. when was albert einstein born c. what they will do with the computers d. how often they go to movies

( )27---could you tell me how long __the book?--three days.

a.i can keep b.can i borrow c.i can borrow d. can i keep

( )28.i can’t understand ___the boy alone at home.

a.why she left b.did she leave c.why had she left d.why she leave

( )29. you will not succeeded if you ______ harder. a. will work b. won’t work c. work d. don’t work

( )30.write clearly __your teacher can understand you correctly. a.since b.for c.because dso that

( )31.______he failed , he went on doing the experiment .a. even b. yet c. although d. in spite of

( )32.the dog went out while we __ supper. a. had b. had had c. were having d. would have

( )33.his brother has worked there ________ he left schoo a.when b. after c. since d. until

( )34.the boy didn’t stop talking ____the second bell rang. a.when b. until c. after d. because

( )35. __i came into the office, the teacher were having a meeting.a.while b. when c. once d. since

( )36.i was about to leave my house __ the telephone rang. a.while b. as c. when d. since




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