第1篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
第2篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
第3篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
前門大街舊景以街中心分界,東屬正東坊,西屬正西坊。又因正陽門是京師正門,故前門大街一帶比其他城門大街寬。在城市建制上,明北京城突破了元代所遵循的"前朝后市"的定制,正陽門周圍以及南至鮮魚口、廊房胡同一帶,形成了大商業(yè)區(qū)。明朝中葉,由于商業(yè)的發(fā)達,前門大街 兩側(cè)出現(xiàn)了鮮魚口、豬(珠)市口、煤市口、糧食店等集市和街道,前門大街才成為一條商業(yè)街。北京最著名的"大柵欄兒"也在其中。明嘉靖以后,各省市在京做官的人為了解決進京應(yīng)試舉子的住宿問題,在前門大街兩廂建立了各地會館。舉人們常到前門大街來購買生活用品或飲酒作樂,這樣也促使前門大街成為一條繁華的商業(yè)街道。清初把東城的燈市挪到前門一帶,而且為了維護皇權(quán)的尊嚴(yán),戲院、茶園、妓院只準(zhǔn)許開設(shè)在城外,于是前門大街較前又有了進一步的繁榮。
前門大街清末,前門大街已有夜市。光緒二十七年(1901)后,在前門箭樓東、西兩側(cè)設(shè)立了前門火車站東站西站,前門大街成為北京同外省聯(lián)系的交通樞紐。20世紀(jì)50年代初,前門地區(qū)共有私營商業(yè)基本戶800余家。前門大街東側(cè)從北往南有大北照相館、慶林春茶葉店、通三益果品海味店、力力餐廳、天成齋餑餑鋪、便宜坊烤鴨店、老正興飯莊、普蘭德洗染店、億兆棉織百貨商店、前門五金店等店鋪。前門大街 北起前門月亮灣,南至天橋路口,全長845米,僅前門大街兩側(cè),建筑面積就共計6.6萬平方米,約容納180家商戶。
前門大街夜景 前門大街東側(cè)從北往南有大北照相館、慶林春前門大街茶葉店、通三益果品海味店、力力餐廳、天成齋餑餑鋪、便宜坊烤鴨店、老正興飯莊、普蘭德洗染店、億兆棉織百貨商店、前門五金店等店鋪;西側(cè)從北往南有月盛齋醬肉鋪、華孚鐘表店、慶頤堂藥店、一條龍羊肉館、盛錫福帽店、公興文化用品店、祥聚公餑餑鋪、龍順成木器門市部、前門大街麻繩店、前門自行車商店、前門信托商店等店鋪。1979年以后,在原有老字號商店和傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)營特色基本保留下來的同時,又陸續(xù)開設(shè)了五金交電、服裝百貨、自行車、食品、鐘表、化工油漆等新店。前門大街悠久的歷史,造就了這里的許多中華老字號,如六必居醬園、同仁堂藥店、瑞蚨祥綢布店、長春堂藥店、內(nèi)聯(lián)升鞋店、張一元茶莊,還有月盛齋的醬肉店、都一處的燒賣店等16處老字號分列道路兩側(cè)。
第4篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
鳥巢設(shè)計中充分體現(xiàn)了人文關(guān)懷,碗狀座席環(huán)抱著賽場的收攏結(jié)構(gòu),上下層之間錯落有致,無論觀眾坐在哪個位置,和賽場中心點之間的視線距離都在140米左右。 “鳥巢”的下層膜采用的吸聲膜材料、鋼結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)件上設(shè)置的吸聲材料,以及場內(nèi)使用的電聲擴音系統(tǒng),這三層“特殊裝置”使“巢”內(nèi)的語音清晰度指標(biāo)指數(shù)達到0.6——這個數(shù)字保證了坐在任何位置的觀眾都能清晰地收聽到廣播。“鳥巢” 的相關(guān)設(shè)計師們還運用流體力學(xué)設(shè)計,模擬出91000個人同時觀賽的自然通風(fēng)狀況,讓所有觀眾都能享有同樣的自然光和自然通風(fēng)。“鳥巢”的觀眾席里,還為殘障人士設(shè)置了200多個輪椅座席。這些輪椅座席比普通座席稍高,保證殘障人士和普通觀眾有一樣的視野。賽時,場內(nèi)還將提供供助聽器并設(shè)置無線廣播系統(tǒng),為有聽力和視力障礙的人提供個性化的服務(wù)。
第5篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
第6篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
夏季的青龍峽,是中原地區(qū)不可多得的避暑勝地。這里,七月最高氣溫只有29℃,平均氣溫22℃,夜間氣溫在15℃左右,氣候 涼爽,空氣清新,景色秀美,是避暑清夏的勝地。
第7篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
前門大街舊景以街中心分界,東屬正東坊,西屬正西坊。又因正陽門是京師正門,故前門大街一帶比其他城門大街寬。在城市建制上,明北京城突破了元代所遵循的"前朝后市"的定制,正陽門周圍以及南至鮮魚口、廊房胡同一帶,形成了大商業(yè)區(qū)。明朝中葉,由于商業(yè)的發(fā)達,前門大街 兩側(cè)出現(xiàn)了鮮魚口、豬(珠)市口、煤市口、糧食店等集市和街道,前門大街才成為一條商業(yè)街。北京最著名的"大柵欄兒"也在其中。明嘉靖以后,各省市在京做官的人為了解決進京應(yīng)試舉子的住宿問題,在前門大街兩廂建立了各地會館。舉人們常到前門大街來購買生活用品或飲酒作樂,這樣也促使前門大街成為一條繁華的商業(yè)街道。清初把東城的燈市挪到前門一帶,而且為了維護皇權(quán)的尊嚴(yán),戲院、茶園、妓院只準(zhǔn)許開設(shè)在城外,于是前門大街較前又有了進一步的繁榮。
前門大街清末,前門大街已有夜市。光緒二十七年(1901)后,在前門箭樓東、西兩側(cè)設(shè)立了前門火車站東站西站,前門大街成為北京同外省聯(lián)系的交通樞紐。20世紀(jì)50年代初,前門地區(qū)共有私營商業(yè)基本戶800余家。前門大街東側(cè)從北往南有大北照相館、慶林春茶葉店、通三益果品海味店、力力餐廳、天成齋餑餑鋪、便宜坊烤鴨店、老正興飯莊、普蘭德洗染店、億兆棉織百貨商店、前門五金店等店鋪。前門大街 北起前門月亮灣,南至天橋路口,全長845米,僅前門大街兩側(cè),建筑面積就共計6.6萬平方米,約容納180家商戶。
前門大街夜景 前門大街東側(cè)從北往南有大北照相館、慶林春前門大街茶葉店、通三益果品海味店、力力餐廳、天成齋餑餑鋪、便宜坊烤鴨店、老正興飯莊、普蘭德洗染店、億兆棉織百貨商店、前門五金店等店鋪;西側(cè)從北往南有月盛齋醬肉鋪、華孚鐘表店、慶頤堂藥店、一條龍羊肉館、盛錫福帽店、公興文化用品店、祥聚公餑餑鋪、龍順成木器門市部、前門大街麻繩店、前門自行車商店、前門信托商店等店鋪。1979年以后,在原有老字號商店和傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)營特色基本保留下來的同時,又陸續(xù)開設(shè)了五金交電、服裝百貨、自行車、食品、鐘表、化工油漆等新店。前門大街悠久的歷史,造就了這里的許多中華老字號,如六必居醬園、同仁堂藥店、瑞蚨祥綢布店、長春堂藥店、內(nèi)聯(lián)升鞋店、張一元茶莊,還有月盛齋的醬肉店、都一處的燒賣店等16處老字號分列道路兩側(cè)。
第8篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
hello, everyone. have you ever been to beijing?
what's the weather like in beijing?
beijing's cold weather is not to see the sun outside, what to see? look atthe wind! as long as the wind blows, the weather will be relatively cold. what'sthe wind blowing in winter? what's the wind blowing in summer? the primaryschool teacher said that southeast wind blows in summer and northwest wind blowsin winter. please remember. a student stood up and said: no, my mother said thatshe married my father and drank all year round
you choose to come to beijing at the end of october. generally speaking,the time is very good. it's neither cold nor hot. it's an ideal tourist seasonin beijing. as the saying goes: in good travel time, meeting a good guide is akind of happiness; in good travel time, meeting a poor guide is a kind ofsadness. it's a sigh to meet a good tour guide in a bad travel time; it's a kindof helplessness to meet a poor tour guide in a bad travel time. i hope we have agood time to travel, and i hope i am a good guide.
i'd like to introduce myself. my family name is li and my name is tianyun.after you met me, i wish you good luck every day. li is muzi li. you can call medirector li, but don't call me director li. you can also call me xiao li, butdon't add zi. xiao li is li lianying, the eunuch next to empress dowager cixi.eunuch is an incomplete man. besides being thin, the function of other parts ofhis body is quite normal. i was born on december 26. what's the specialsignificance of this day? my mother's birthday is also on this day, and myemperor taizu's birthday is also on december 26. my emperor taizu is chairmanmao zedong. i want to have the same birthday as a great man. i can't be worse inmy life. but after living for more than 20 years, i found that i'm not tall, notshort, not fat, not thin, not old, not tender, and so on so far, no miracle hashappened to me, but it doesn't matter. as the saying goes, height is not thedistance, weight is not the pressure, age is not the problem, so i still have toconfidently take everyone's activities in beijing these days.
in addition to taking you on a tour, we also have a master in charge of ourtransportation. our master has more than ten years of driving experience. heusually receives deputies to the national people's congress, and receives vipguests and athletes during the olympic games. there has been no accident formore than ten years. he is very professional and safe. during our time inbeijing, we have master _ _ driving for us. we have to work hard for him in thenext few days. let's give him some applause first!
although the roads in beijing are very broad now, beijing, as the capital,has many people and cars, and the traffic condition is not very good most of thetime. during our travel time, there may be traffic jams or people waiting forthe bus. i hope you can understand.
people live on food. when they come to beijing, the first thing they shouldpay attention to is eating. when they come out, they won't be as comfortable asthey are at home. especially when they join a tour group, they should beprepared: the tour group meal in beijing is very bad. what is despair? despairis two dishes served in a restaurant, eat the first one: "is there anythingworse in the world?" eat the second one "kao! it's really there!" although thegroup meal is bad, it's still quite hygienic. you can rest assured to eat it.the principle is to have enough food, eight dishes and one soup, and all therice. when you see that the food is not enough, drink the soup quickly. if wedon't have enough to eat, we can see the mountains far away and have a pot ofsteamed bread. if you come back to china for tourism in the future, if thenumber of people is small, you should try not to arrange group meals by travelagencies. you'd better have what you want (for hong kong and overseaschinese).
next is the accommodation. beijing is the capital, the political andcultural center. people come and go very frequently, so hotels of the same levelin beijing are not as good as those in other places. then it gives a briefintroduction of the hotel (such as stars, how far to the airport, how far to therailway station, how far to tiananmen square). in the evening, when we go backto the hotel, we should pay attention to rest. when we go shopping, we are notfamiliar with the place, so we should not go too far. the three things you mustdo when you come to beijing are climbing the great wall, eating roast duck andwatching acrobatics. i think we have arranged to climb the great wall and eatroast duck in our itinerary, but we haven't arranged to watch acrobatics. i'mvery sorry. about in the neolithic age, chinese acrobatics had sprouted. soacrobatics has a history of more than 20__ years in china. diving, rings andother sports in our olympic games are all evolved from acrobatics. trampoline,which was officially an olympic event in 20__, is also evolved from acrobatics.china's trampoline won two olympic gold medals in 20__ beijing olympic games.chinese people can be proud to announce to the world that we can't do football,we can't do track and field, we can't do swimming pool, but we can't do it inbed! chaoyang theater is the only designated theater for external performance inbeijing. during the olympic games, all foreign leaders came to china to watchacrobatic performances. modern acrobatics combined with sound, color, light andother advanced elements are more gorgeous and exciting than traditionalacrobatics. it really reflects the brilliance of one minute on stage and tenyears off stage. almost all the performances have won awards in theinternational arena, so we are visiting beijing during this period, acrobaticsis absolutely not to be missed if you have time in the evening. if you don't go,you will be sorry, but you will be shocked.
the most important thing to come to beijing is to visit. apart fromclimbing the great wall, eating roast duck and watching acrobatics, what elsecan we play? generally speaking, we can enter guangzhou to watch cars, fly toguilin to watch mountains, go to xi'an to watch tombs, visit beijing to watchwalls, pass tianjin to watch docks, visit qinghai to watch the source, visittibet to watch buddha's head, visit nanjing to watch stones, visit shanghai towatch people's heads drunk, visit shanghai to watch people's heads;unforgettable hangzhou girl. what you see in beijing is the top of the wall,that is, the most important thing is the history and culture left over from theancient capital. if you join this tour group and meet guide xiao li, you are ina beijing history and culture crash course, so you should listen to mecarefully. can't get on the car to sleep, get off the car to pee, take photos ofscenic spots, go home and ask nothing. especially when there are many touristsin beijing, adults look at their heads and children look at their buttocks, sowe should play with me, hold the hand of the guide, and travel together inbeijing!
beijing is the capital of liao, jin, yuan, ming and qing dynasties, thelast five feudal dynasties in chinese history. its design and planning embodiesthe highest achievement of ancient chinese urban planning, and is known as "thegreatest individual project of human beings on the surface of the earth". weshould not only look at the history, but also the modern development of beijing.now let's briefly introduce the situation of beijing.
beijing covers a total area of 16808 square kilometers and is divided into18 districts. beijing is surrounded by hebei province. from the map, hebeiprovince surrounds the whole of beijing, and it is not far from beijing
chengde mountain resort is the largest classical royal garden in china. in1984, it was rated as one of the top ten scenic spots in china. in 1994, it waslisted in the world heritage list. it is very worth seeing. if we can arrange itsometimes, we should go there for a day or two.
the terrain of beijing is high in the northwest and low in the southeast,which is in line with the artistic conception of an ancient poem that a riverflows eastward. beijing plain accounts for 1 / 3, mountain accounts for 2 / 3.there are more than 16 million permanent residents in beijing, more than 4million people from other places, and more than 20 million people live in onethird of the plain. therefore, the traffic pressure just mentioned is veryheavy.
to this end, beijing has made great efforts to improve the trafficenvironment. the cost of bus is also very cheap. basically, one yuan is enoughfor taking the bus, and 20% or 40% discount can be given for those with buscard. we work in the suburbs because it's expensive to rent or buy a house inthe urban area. although it's cheap to take the bus, it takes a long time. weneed to get up early in the morning to go to work. sometimes it only takes 30minutes to do a business in the urban area, but it takes two hours to come bybus, and it takes two hours to go back, so one day is spent on the bus. becauseof the long journey, we usually have to take the bus home from work, so thenightlife in beijing is not very rich. talk about the four idiots in beijing:eat lobster, go shopping to yansha, sing and love flowers, and go home afterwork. the poor go home after work, the drunkard go home at 9, the luster go homeat 11 and the gambler go home at 2-3.
the starting price of a taxi is 10 yuan for 3 km, and 2 yuan per km after 3km. in addition to improving the above ground transportation, we should focus onthe development of the subway. the cost of the subway is also very cheap. itcosts 2 yuan to get through. as long as you don't go out of the subway door, youcan take a ride for a day, so as to stimulate the reduction of private cars,reduce road congestion, improve air quality and environmental protection. butthe rich should buy a car or buy a car, and the poor should take what kind ofcar, so we should not climb, compare, and be angry with ourselves in our dailylife; eat less salt, be jealous, play less mahjong, and take more walks; sleepon time, get up on time, and do boxing and aerobics.
good health is really good. according to official statistics, the averagelife span of beijingers has reached 80 years old. before the reform and openingup, it was 60 years old. why? with the improvement of living standards, chinesesociety is developing, and beijing is developing. in the past, only the emperorcan eat, but now ordinary people can also eat the palace flavor. in the past,the emperor can wear silk, but now ordinary people can buy it, too the jadebrought by the emperor is good for our health. we can also buy it now. themedicinal materials of tongrentang, which has a history of more than 300 years,used to be used exclusively by the royal family, especially the empress dowagercixi, who used to take the wuji baifeng pill of tongrentang all the year round.now we can also buy it. we can also buy the royal cloisonne ornaments. in short,the royal family can eat, wear and play good health, we can do now, in additionto the emperor's harem three thousand, so many women we can't do. when we cometo beijing for tourism, if we need to use these things or give them as gifts tofriends and relatives, they are very helpful. they can support the developmentof beijing's tourism industry and improve our taste in life. when it comes totaste, men are divided into six grades: first-class men have a home outsidetheir home, second-class men have flowers outside their home, third-class menfind a home in their flowers, fourth-class men go home from work, fifth classmen go home from work, and their wives are not at home, sixth class men go homefrom work, and there is a man beside their wives. women can be divided into fourclasses. first class beauties travel abroad, second class beauties shenzhenzhuhai, third class beauties beijing shanghai, and fourth class beauties wait athome.
so what do we usually call a beautiful woman in beijing? the older one iscalled sister, the older one is called aunt, and the younger one is called girl.generally speaking, men are called elder brother, and the elderly are calledelder brother. children are called children. but pure beijingers, that is, oldbeijing, call girls girls girls instead of girls. i don't call a beauty abeauty, but a honey. call him or not, call him ya. i don't care if you call meinside. call a woman a woman, not a woman. call a man a man, not a man. call afriend porcelain instead of a friend. a lover is not called a lover, but an ace.i don't call a little girl a little girl, but a girl.
this is beijing's address, tianjin's address is more special, for example:there are people calling sister, not sister, anyway, no matter how old you are,even if you are only a teenager, there may be 50 or 60 years old people callingyour sister, not sister. there are those who call big brother, but not brothersor brothers. even an elderly grandmother will call a young man in her 20s bigbrother, but she won't call brothers. some call uncle, but not uncle. that is tosay, no matter what is your father's ranking at home, you should call his otherbrothers uncle, and your father's younger brother is not uncle. in a word, it'sbasically shouting. that's what tianjin is called. tianjin is called the backgarden of beijing. during holidays, beijingers will drive there for holidays.tianjin is more than 100 kilometers away from beijing, and the whole journey isonly two hours to tianjin. if we have time, we can play one more city by the waywith little fare.
the road we are taking now is the capital airport expressway, which wasbuilt in 92 and opened to traffic in 93. the capital airport expressway is 18 kmlong, with 34.5 m wide subgrade and 6 lanes in both directions. there are 3 mwide emergency parking belts on both sides of the road. it is fully closed andinterchange. the design speed is 120 km / h. the starting point is sanyuanqiao.it takes 10 minutes from sanyuanqiao to the capital international airport.expressway pavement structure layer, the introduction of foreign asphaltmodification technology, in the ordinary asphalt mixed with plastic or rubber,change the high temperature and low temperature stability of asphalt, make itnot soften at 60 ℃ high temperature, not brittle at minus 30 ℃ low temperature,but also enhance the anti-wear ability, reduce noise, greatly extend the servicelife. the use of modified asphalt, which is the first in domestic highwayconstruction. the capital airport expressway costs 100 million yuan perkilometer, which is known as the first road to china. no matter how old anofficial or ordinary person you are, you have to enter beijing from thisexpressway.
usually when we talk about beijing, where is it called beijing? accordingto the official regulations, the third ring road is called beijing. sanyuanqiao,the starting point of our airport expressway, connects the third ring road. whatis "three yuan"? the imperial examination system is called "three yuan". thefirst place of the provincial examination, the imperial examination and theimperial examination is jieyuan, huiyuan and the number one scholar. one afteranother, he won the first place in the provincial examination, the generalexamination and the palace examination, which is called lianzhong sanyuan.taking the qing dynasty as an example, the whole process of imperial examinationin the old days started from the grass-roots level of government, prefecture andcounty, which was called children's examination. those who enter for theexamination are called tong sheng, and those who pass the examination are calledxiucai. the first one is called desk. the formal higher level nationalexamination is called the local examination, which is held in the provincialcapital. the examinees are scholars from all over the country. after passing theexamination, they are called juren, and the first place is "jieyuan"; the nexthigher level is the joint examination, which is held in the ministry of rites.the examinees are juren, and after passing the examination, they are calledgongsheng, and the first place is "huiyuan"; the imperial examination was heldin the palace. the emperor personally presided over the examination. thecandidates were gongsheng, who were called jinshi after winning the examination.the imperial examination system in ancient china has a history of more than onethousand years, in which 17 people were able to connect the three yuan.
第9篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞
beijing is a national historical and cultural city with a history of 3000years. beijing used to be the capital of six dynasties in history. in more than20__ years since the state of yan, many magnificent palace buildings have beenbuilt, making beijing the city with the largest number of imperial palaces,gardens, temples and tombs and the richest content in china. among them, theimperial palace in beijing was called the imperial palace in the ming dynastyand the forbidden city in the qing dynasty. it used to be the imperial palace ofthe ming and qing dynasties, and lived in 24 emperors. the magnificent buildingsperfectly reflect the traditional chinese classical style and oriental style. itis the largest existing palace in china and even the world, and is a preciouscultural heritage of the chinese nation. the temple of heaven is famous both athome and abroad for its reasonable layout and exquisite construction
siheyuan is the general name of the traditional northern houses with themain house, inverted seat house and east-west wing house around the middlecourtyard. beijing siheyuan, originated from the courtyard style houses of yuandynasty, is the most important residential building in old beijing. the narrowalleys between the green tile and grey brick quadrangles are the famous oldbeijing hutong.
the religious temples in beijing are all over the capital. the existingfamous ones are: fayuan temple, tanzhe temple, jietai temple, yunju temple,badachu temple, etc. the white cloud view of taoism. beijing niujie worshiptemple of islam, etc. tibetan buddhism (lamaism), such as the yonghe temple, thecatholic xishiku catholic church, wangfujing catholic church, etc. there aremany christian churches, such as gangwa city church and chongwenmen church.
the central axis of beijing refers to the central axis of beijing in yuan,ming and qing dynasties. the urban planning of beijing has the characteristicsof symmetry with the palace city as the center. the central axis of beijingstarts from yongdingmen in the south and ends at zhonggulou in the north, about7.8 km long. from south to north are yongdingmen, qianmen jianlou, zhengyangmen,zhonghuamen, tiananmen, duanmen, wumen, forbidden city, shenwumen, jingshan,di'anmen, houmenqiao, gulou and bell tower. from yongdingmen, the south end ofthe central axis, there are tiantan, xiannongtan, taimiao, sheji altar,donghuamen, xihuamen, andingmen and deshengmen, which are symmetricallydistributed along the central axis. mr. liang sicheng, a famous chinesearchitect, once said: "the unique magnificent order of beijing is produced bythe establishment of this central axis." yongdingmen, zhonghuamen and di'anmenwere demolished after the founding of the people's republic of china. in recentyears, yongdingmen tower has been rebuilt.
第10篇 介紹北京導(dǎo)游詞