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第1篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞





京北第一草原,位于具有“北京的后花園”之譽的豐寧滿族自治縣北部的大灘鎮(zhèn),故又稱大灘草原、豐寧壩上草原。距離承德市260公里,距離北京市240公里,豐寶、豐多兩條公路貫穿全境。屬于內(nèi)蒙古草原的一部分,總面積350多平方公里,平均海拔1 486米,這里夏無酷暑,清爽宜人,7月平均氣溫17.4℃,最高氣溫不超過24℃,年平均氣溫0.5℃。身居草原,清晨可以觀賞絢麗迷人、波瀾壯闊的草原日出;白天,可以領(lǐng)略碧空萬里、白云悠悠、草天相連、一望無垠的草原風光;夜晚,又可欣賞野曠天低、皓月繁星的草原夜色。

大灘,原名海留圖,蒙古語,水草豐美的意思。據(jù)最新的考古發(fā)現(xiàn)推測,早在1 000多年前的遼代耶律阿保機時期,這里就可能成了蒙古人的游牧地區(qū)。千百年來,這里一直少有人煙,一直未被外界開發(fā)、破壞,一切都保留著純自然的風貌。直到1988年,北京晚報的兩名記者偶然之間來到這里,被大自然的美麗與舒適所吸引,他們陶醉其間,欣喜萬分,一篇《離北京最近的大草原》很快見報,讓世人,特別是北京人發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個度假游玩的絕好去處,“京北第一草原”成為外界稱呼大灘草原的又一名號。20xx年1月,國家又批準大灘草原為“aaaa級景區(qū)”。一個以草原觀光,休閑度假為主題的年輕景區(qū)正從豐寧大灘走向全國、走向世界。

自位于海拔1 750米的壩頭旅游服務(wù)中心開始,我們就進入京北第一草原了。壩上草原住宿的老劉農(nóng)家院主人也已經(jīng)在這里等待多時。旅游服務(wù)中心由豐寧滿族自治縣旅游局設(shè)立,在這里我們可做短暫的停留,購買門票、旅游咨詢、在成吉思汗塑像前拍張小照。



第2篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞










第3篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞




第4篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞


lady and genlenmen:

welcome to hunlunbeier grassland! first of all , i’d like to tell you why people call this bdautiful grassland hulunbeier grassland. there is a moving legend behind it .a long ,long time ago there lived a couple of lovers on the grassland. the girl was a hu lun .the boy was bei er. one day a demon chief called mang gusi abducted hulun and dried up the grassland .the grass withered and yellowed and domestic animals died one after another.in order to save the grassland and hu lun ,beier traved a great distance on foot ,chasing after mang gasi day and night .finally ,he fainted from e_haustion. in his weakened state ,he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned hu lu,bei er traveled a great distance on foot ,chasing after mang gasi day and night .finally ,he fainted from e_haustion.in his weakened state ,he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned hu lun into a flower which was and suffering from the windy dream in front of him .he immediately watered the flower and broke the spell .hu lun changed back into her former self .but the demon chief would not give up .he immediately watered the flower and broke the spell .hu lun changed back in to her former self. but the demon chief would not give up .he seized hu lun and took her away again .hu lun racked her brain for a way to escape .she succeeded in getting hold of the magic pearl on the demon chief`s head .on swallowing the pearl hu lun turned into a lake. in the meantime beier had killed all of the other demons ,but failed to find hu lun. heartbroken, bei er jumped in to a lake to kill himself.all of a sudden the earth split open and formed two lakes ,hu lun lake and bei er lake, with the wilson river closely connecting them .later,people living on the grassland named the land hulunbeier grassland in momory of them .

hulunbeier covers an area of 250.557 square kilometers,with a totel population of 2.66 million. the mongolian natiality is the dominant ethic group, and 35 other nationlities,such as dawoer, ewenke, elunchun, han, manchu, russian, etc. live in harmony with them on the grassland. hunlunbeier is called “green and clean land” because it is relatively free of pollution.

(entering the grassland)

now we’resetting foot on hunlunbeier grassland. all of us have escaped from the city and its clamour and entered a place like a dreamland,look! the grassland looks like asoft, green cerpet, nowyou can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the distance; numeros kinds of wild flowers are in bloom, and wisps of smoke are rising continuously from the yurta scattered on the grassland. when the gentle breeze brushes against the grass, herds of horses and cattle and flock of sheep seem to be drifting from here ro there. what a beautiful picture!

(visiting a yurt)

this is the yurt we saw from the bus just now. look!the host and his family have come out of the to greet us. of couse, this is not an arranged reception, to be sure. but before we enter the yurt, i’dlike to make a brief introduction on the folk costoms here. no matter which yurt you happen to visit, you will finethat on hesring your footsteps the mongolian people will e_tend a warm welcome outsite the yurt, to do justice to their reputed hospitality. when greeting you, they will put their hands against their chests and bow slightly. with a “how do you do,” they invite their guestsin. male guests are invited to sit on the left and female on the right, while host sits in midle. the moment you take your seats, your host will have milk tea and various kinds of milk products pleaced in front of you . after a white, you will most probably probabyly be asked to help yourself to a special course called “shouba lamd.” as a way of showing respct to his distinguished guest, your hast will prsent you with a “hada”( a piece of silk used as a greeting gift), together with a cup of lacal wine. mongolians are well known for theirtalent in singing and dancing.their beautiful songs are as entertaining and pleasant as the blue sky, white clouds ,greengrass and fresh flowers ,in folk culture, there is a saying that a feast is not a true feast without the company of songs. every person in the grassland ,man or woman ,old or young ,can sing folk songs. when proposing toasts to their guests, they will show their hospitality by singing folksongs and playing special fiddles. the mongolian people have lived on the vast grassland for a long time, and they have refined their talent for sing and dancing .you can not only please your eyes with their traditional ethnic dancing but also with their mondern ones featuring merry rhythms and vigorous steps.now let`s enter the yurt and take advantage of this opportunity to be guests in a mongolian herdsman`s home.

(stepping out of the yurt)

under the blue sky and white clouds, you will see a vivid picture of flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, galloping horses and skillful herdsen on horseback brandishing horsewhips. do you want to go for a ride ? if you are skilled at riding ,why not ride a mongolian horse for a while or wander about on camelback?if you are afraid of riding horses or camels,never mind .you still can enjoy the nomandic life by taking a special mongolian vehicle called a “l(fā)ele”.

(briefing on the physique of mongolians)

now you have had a look at the grassland with your own eyes, but did you noticed that the mongolian girls are graceful,elegant and vigorous, and the young fellow are robust ,heroic and muscular? it is said that this has much to do with their life styles which are connected with horse sports,running and pursuing.further,the important role played by milk tea and milk products in developing their muscles and bones canot be underestimated.

(briefing on the dietary habit of mongolians)

let`s start with milk tea,the host minces the tea and put it in a kettle to boil it .when the kettle starts boiling with a gurgling sound, the host pours the fresh milk into it .thus the herdsman coming in from a snowstorm will warm up immediately after having such a cup of milk tea. a bowl of milk tea, stir-fried rice ,several piece of a dry milk product and some lamb is regarded as a delicious meal by the ordinary mongolian herdsman. milk products include the skin of boiled milk, milk curd, milk wine ,cheese ,butter and so on .the formal meal may be served with meat and a flour-base product.

while you are here on the grassland ,it will be a great pity if you do not try “shouba lamb”(boil meat which is eaten using a knife and your hands).the lamb is first cut into big slices and then put into boiling water to cook.when it is half done, you cut it into smaller pieces with the mongolian knife and eat it .themongolian people think that half-done meat contains more nutrients.

(briefing on mongolian clothing)

the mongolian robe is unique to this ethnic group .the robe is often matched with a belt and head decorations.with its high collar and long sleeves ,the robe protects people from mosquitoes .the middle part of the robe is made loose for the convenience of riding horses and is long enough to keep the knees warm. you can find all kinds of clothes here today ,but the robe is the cultural heritage of the mongolians and has become a symbol of their national conscience and identity.

(briefing on mongolian yurta)

you can see mongolian yurta here and there on grassland.but do you know the history and structure of the mongolian yurta?according to the historical records of the _iongnu,an ancient ethnic group ,their ancestors lived in the northland long ago .their living quarters were called yurta. in this sense mongolians ,as a ethnic group ,can date to 4,000 years ago .so the mongolian yurta are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group .now let`s talk about the construction of a yurt are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group, now let`s talk about the construction of a yurt. herdsmen first build a round foundation with pieces of stones ,then they set up the structure with wodden wods and beams linked together with wollen or fur ropes,lastly ,they cover the structure with animal skins or felt blankets.the ceiling of the yurt is round .with such a structure, the yurt can withstand snowstorms and heavy rainfalls. the door of the yurt is small and down to the ground .the yurt can be easily moved and this is suitable for nomadic life.this accounts for the reason why the structure of the yurt remains unchanged till today .if the mongolian yurt is seen as the home of the herdsmen, then the “l(fā)ele”carts can be viewed as their mobile homes. “l(fā)ele”carts move slowly with big noise. it is hard to tell when the history of “l(fā)ele”carts began. all the carts are made of birch ,so they will reain in good condition even in wet weather. the wheels of the carts are tall and can easily roll across the uneven roads ,lush bushes ,thick snow and marshes. “l(fā)ele”carts are indispensable for herdsmen when they move cross snow-covered areas.

(briefing on mongolian festivals)

there are a lot of mogolian festivals held every year on the grassland ,but the most famous one is nadam,the carnival the grassland .”nadam”in the mongolian language means recreation or entertainment .when it comes ,there will be a lot of performances,such as horse racing ,wrestling ,archery and some other special ethnic performances .the nadam fair is a time-honored festival and was known world wide for 700years ,nowadays the nadam fair is often held during the harvest season of the grassland ,either in june or july.during that period ,herdsmen often take the opportunity to sell domestic animals and livestock products and purchasse daily necessilties and livelihood-related goods.acturally ,the herdsmen have few chances to get together on such a vast grassland ,so nadam also plays the role of a big trade fair for them ,when we talk about nadam, we should also talk about offering sacrifice at “aobao”.”aobao ”in mogolian means a pile of rocks or earth. on the vast and endless grassland ,it is hard to tell directions, so people thought of pilling rocks or earth to mark them ,in its long historical development aobao has become the shrine to offer scrifices to the god of the mountain and the god of the road.during the sacrifice –offering ceremony,people insert tree branches into the aobao and put pieces of colorful cloth or paper flags with written scripture on the branches there are four types of memorial ceremonies ,namely blood,wine,fire and jade .no matter what type it is ,a lama will be invited to butn incenses ,chant scriptures and pray for the blessing of the people and their livestock .participants will walk around the aobao clockwise three times.after the ceremony ,the herdmen will not only enjoy horse races,wrestling and archery ,but also singing ,dancing and drinking to their heart`s content .around that time, young lovers will probably leave the crowd to be in a world of their own.

dear,distinguished guests,after this tour of this grassland i believe you must have a general idea of how the mongolian pelple live here and may een feel reluctant to leave the beautiful hulunbeier grassland .i belive the grassland and its people enjoyed your visit as much as you did and look forward to your ne_t one .

ladies and gentlemen,i hope to have another chance to meet you again on this very land ,the hulunbeier grassland .goodbye and good luck.

第5篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞






第6篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞


各位游客們,歡迎諸位來河北中都草原參觀游覽,中都草原位于張北縣境內(nèi)。中都是元代與大都(北京)、上都(開平)齊名的三都之一,是皇室宗族巡幸避暑勝地。中都原始草原是至今保存最完整的原始草原,純美、壯闊、涼爽,是內(nèi)蒙大草原的精華,是距北京最近(250公里)、緯度最低的原始天然草原。1307年,元武宗在張北草原上共建中都。規(guī)模宏 大、瑰麗壯觀.成為皇室往返元大都(北京),上都(開 平)的巡都。中都原始草原成為皇家狩獵、避暑、 巡幸之地,后經(jīng)馬可.波羅介紹到西方,與大都齊名而聲海內(nèi)外.草原旅游也延綿互今。中都草原是錫林郭勒大草原的組成部分和精華。 野闊草平,蒼茫浩蕩.馬蘭、干枝梅、黃花、金蓮花沸沸 揚揚、橫無際涯,放發(fā)出沁人心脾的芬芳口蘑酸柳、 地皮菜隱匿草間;旱獺、草原袋鼠、鼴鼠嬉戲跳躍; 澤邊、云端上,大雁駐足.百靈高歌;布谷黃鸝畫 眉羊群、牧馬駝鈴聲聲。


第7篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞








第8篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞



10月成百上千的南徒大雁在這里短棲。野兔、鼴鼠、狐、豹等草原動物,經(jīng)常在坡地草叢中出沒。壩上草原是避暑狩獵的好地方。現(xiàn)已新開發(fā)成了滑翔傘運動的好去處。不少來自京城的滑翔傘俱樂部在這里展開活動,目前已知的項目有:壩上草原旅游飛行和草原低高度體驗飛行兩種。春、夏、秋季是壩上草原最美麗的時候,這里全無京城的污濁暑氣。在風和日麗的日子,張開五彩的傘翼,向廣闊的田野飄然飛去...... 風景名勝壩上草原主要景點:千松壩森林公園位于河北省豐寧縣西北部,京北第“草原大灘東南,是壩上草原上一座以天然次生林景觀為待色的新辟旅游風景點。佛珠洞是喇嘛山第一景,該洞是一條500米的天然山洞,洞外有18塊巨石覆蓋其上,酷似一串佛珠,故稱佛珠洞。 冰臼公園位于河北省豐寧縣城北28公里處的喇嘛山風景區(qū),距北京208公里,是通往京北第一草原的必經(jīng)之地。白云古洞位于豐寧滿族自治縣窄嶺鄉(xiāng)黑山咀村潮河西岸。白云古洞又稱白云峽谷、朝陽洞,是由若干峰、洞、谷和寺廟組成的風景區(qū)總稱。

最佳旅游時間豐寧壩上草原屬大陸季風型高原氣候,春秋時短,干燥少雨;冬季偏長,嚴寒多風;夏季無暑,清涼宜人,7月份平均氣溫17.4℃,一年中最高氣溫不過24℃,四季皆宜旅游。傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日:那達慕大會、敖包會、祭敖包、獻哈達 、敬鼻煙壺、酥油抹額、火神節(jié) 歷史文化壩上草原歷史:北京人最早發(fā)現(xiàn)大灘是在20xx年前,前往壩上攝影創(chuàng)作,那時候的大灘還是個荒涼貧窮的小鎮(zhèn),來旅游的人們也只能借宿在老鄉(xiāng)家中。此后絡(luò)繹不絕的游客帶來小鎮(zhèn)的繁華,因為旅游,便有了星羅棋布的蒙古包、草原木屋、歐式別墅;夜晚的篝火、蒙古風情的民族舞蹈;滑草、騎馬、射箭等旅游項目。即便是草原農(nóng)家,也由原來的茅草屋變成了現(xiàn)在紅磚金瓦的大院。近年來,大灘漸漸代替了懷柔、密云,成為北京人避暑休閑的后花園。今天,被譽為“京北第一草原”的壩上,上至鶴發(fā)老人、下至英姿少年,恐怕已很難有人不認“奔馳”“寶馬”“富康”“桑塔納”了。這里洼水清澈,青草齊肩,黃羊成群,生態(tài)環(huán)境優(yōu)良。

第9篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞











第10篇 草原的導(dǎo)游詞









  • 內(nèi)蒙古草原導(dǎo)游詞
  • 內(nèi)蒙古草原導(dǎo)游詞86人關(guān)注

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  • 壩上草原導(dǎo)游詞
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  • 草原的導(dǎo)游詞
  • 草原的導(dǎo)游詞61人關(guān)注

    各位朋友:大家好!我叫,有幸和各位朋友一起去領(lǐng)略京北第一草原的美麗迷人的風光,去踏訪趣味無限的異族風情,去分享大自然對人類的厚賜,我感到非常高興。我們現(xiàn)在即將前 ...[更多]

  • 關(guān)于草原的導(dǎo)游詞
  • 關(guān)于草原的導(dǎo)游詞42人關(guān)注

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  • 蒙古草原導(dǎo)游詞
  • 蒙古草原導(dǎo)游詞25人關(guān)注

    距烏海市區(qū)50多公里的桌子山東麓,是碧野茫茫的鄂爾多斯大草原。在這里既可以欣賞到內(nèi)蒙古草原的綺麗風光,也可以到牧民家中領(lǐng)略鄂爾多斯蒙古民族的風情,還可以看到現(xiàn) ...[更多]

  • 關(guān)于草原導(dǎo)游詞
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