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發(fā)布時間:2024-05-04 14:25:02 查看人數(shù):15


運動英語演講稿 模板1


i"d like to talk about sportsmanship。

here is a quote i want to start with。

it"s "win or lose,be a good sport。"

that means always play fair。

always follow the rules。

always be honest and polite。

we have competitions every day。

we face challenges every moment。

we compete with others all the time。

when we win,we should be humble。

we should put ourselves in the others" shoes。

we should understand how they feel。

we can compliment our opponents。

we can give them an encouraging word。

we can say, "you did a great job,too。"

remain silent and modest。

never gloat or be too proud。

enjoy the victory,but don"t rub it in。

when we lose,we should be gracious。

we should put our disappointment aside。

we should congratulate the winner sincerely。

no one likes to lose。

but it"s a chance to learn more。

we should be thankful for the e_perience。

life is like a game。

sometimes we win;sometimes we lose。

a good attitude will make us winners for life。

運動英語演講稿 模板2


a healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. as is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. this is of vital importance. only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life. to keep ourselves fit, physical e_ercise is the best way. in taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. the beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to e_crete the wastes in the body. sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. as a result, we can become strong-bodied. i always take an active part in physical e_ercise and enjoy good health. i seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if i work a whole day dong. i shall keep up doing physical e_ercise so as to live longer and do more for the country. a healthy body is the prerequisite for a healthy mind. as we know, the physical health is of great importance to our sound mind. without it, the health of our minds is just like castle in the air. only with a healthy and strong body can we live energetic and vigorous life. the most efficient way to keep ourselves fit is e_ercise. in taking part in out-door activities we can breathe the fresh air in nature. in addition, it can stimulate the circulation fo blood and sped up the e_cretion of the wastes in our bodies. sports will work up appetite and do good to our digestion. in the same time, we become closer to nature which will help us keep a clear mind in thinking. so naturally we will have a strong and healthy body. as far as i am concerned, i am always very active in taking part in various physical e_ercise and i enjoy good health. most of the time i feel energetic and vigorous even after i work for a whole day. i will keep up taking e_ercise to have a longer and better life.


運動英語演講稿 模板3


my favourite sport

good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my speech with you. today my topic is my favourite sport.

look at my healthy skin , oh! can you guess which sport i like best? yes,it"s swimming !that"s why i look so handsome.

when i was only 5 years old, i began to learn how to swim and i like it. i think swimming is an interesting sport and it"s e_citing. it"s also a good way to keep fit .

every summer, i go to swimming school . my parents say i’ll have a good health if i insist swimming in a right way. and i can grow taller if i go to swim often. so i always ask my coach some questions on swimming and he always helps me a lot. i can swim so well and i can swim breaststroke, backstroke and freestyle.

if you also like swimming, join me!

thank you!






運動英語演講稿 模板4


the brain-changing benefits of e_ercise

演講者:wendy suzuki 溫迪鈴木


what if i told you there was something thatyou can do right now that would have an immediate, positive benefit for yourbrain including your mood and your focus? and what if i told you that samething could actually last a long time and protect your brain from differentconditions like depression, alzheimer"s disease or dementia. would you do it?yes!


i am talking about the powerful effects ofphysical activity. simply moving your body, has immediate, long-lasting andprotective benefits for your brain. and that can last for the rest of yourlife. so what i want to do today is tell you a story about how i used my deepunderstanding of neuroscience, as a professor of neuroscience, to essentiallydo an e_periment on myself in which i discovered the science underlying whye_ercise is the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today.


now, as a neuroscientist, i know that our brains, that is the thing in our headright now, that is the most comple_ structure known to humankind. but it"s onething to talk about the brain, and it"s another to see it.


so here is a real preserved human brain.and it"s going to illustrate two key areas that we are going to talk abouttoday. the first is the prefrontal corte_, right behind your forehead, criticalfor things like decision-making, focus, attention and your personality. thesecond key area is located in the temporal lobe, shown right here. you have two temporal lobes in your brain, the right and the left, and deep in the temporallobe is a key structure critical for your ability to form and retain newlong-term memories for facts and events.


and that structure is called thehippocampus. so i"ve always been fascinated with the hippocampus. how could itbe that an event that lasts just a moment, say, your first kiss, or the momentyour first child was born, can form a memory that has changed your brain, thatlasts an entire lifetime? that"s what i want to understand. i wanted to startand record the activity of individual brain cells in the hippocampus assubjects were forming new memories. and essentially try and decode how thosebrief bursts of electrical activity, which is how neurons communicate with eachother, how those brief bursts either allowed us to form a new memory, or didnot.


but a few years ago, i did something veryunusual in science. as a full professor of neural science, i decided tocompletely switch my research program. because i encountered something that wasso amazing, with the potential to change so many lives that i had to study it.i discovered and i e_perienced the brain-changing effects of e_ercise.


and i did it in a completely inadvertent way. i was actually at the height of all thememory work that i was doing -- data was pouring in, i was becoming known in myfield for all of this memory work. and it should have been going great. it was,scientifically. but when i stuck my head out of my lab door, i noticedsomething. i had no social life. i spent too much time listening to those braincells in a dark room, by myself.


i didn"t move my body at all. i hadgained 25 pounds. and actually, it took me many years to realize it, i wasactually miserable. and i shouldn"t be miserable. and i went on a river-raftingtrip -- by myself, because i had no social life. and i came back --thinking, "oh, my god, i was theweakest person on that trip." and i came back with a mission. i said,"i"m never going to feel like the weakest person on a river-rafting tripagain." and that"s what made me go to the gym.


and i focused my type-apersonality on going to all the e_ercise classes at the gym. i triedeverything. i went to kickbo_, dance, yoga, step class, and at first it wasreally hard. but what i noticed is that after every sweat-inducing workout thati tried, i had this great mood boost and this great energy boost. and that"swhat kept me going back to the gym. well, i started feeling stronger. i startedfeeling better, i even lost that 25 pounds.


and now, fast-forward a year and a halfinto this regular e_ercise program and i noticed something that really made mesit up and take notice. i was sitting at my desk, writing a research grant, anda thought went through my mind that had never gone through my mind before. andthat thought was, "gee, grant-writing is going well today."


and all the scientists --yeah, all the scientists always laugh wheni say that, because grant-writing never goes well. it is so hard; you"re alwayspulling your hair out, trying to come up with that million-dollar-winning idea.but i realized that the grant-writing was going well, because i was able tofocus and maintain my attention for longer than i had before. and my long-termmemory -- what i was studying in my own lab -- seemed to be better in me. andthat"s when i put it together.


maybe all that e_ercise that i had includedand added to my life was changing my brain. maybe i did an e_periment on myselfwithout even knowing it. so as a curious neuroscientist, i went to theliterature to see what i could find about what we knew about the effects ofe_ercise on the brain. and what i found was an e_citing and a growingliterature that was essentially showing everything that i noticed in myself.


better mood, better energy, better memory, better attention. and the more ilearned, the more i realized how powerful e_ercise was. which eventually led meto the big decision to completely shift my research focus. and so now, afterseveral years of really focusing on this question, i"ve come to the followingconclusion: that e_ercise is the most transformative thing that you can do foryour brain today for the following three reasons.


number one: it has immediate effects onyour brain. a single workout that you do will immediately increase levels ofneurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline. that is going toincrease your mood right after that workout, e_actly what i was feeling. my labshowed, that a single workout can improve your ability to shift and focusattention, and that focus improvement will last for at least two hours. andfinally, studies have shown that a single workout will improve your reactiontimes which basically means that you are going to be faster at catching thatcup of starbucks that falls off the counter, which is very, very important.


but these immediate effects are transient,they help you right after. what you have to do is do what i did, that is changeyour e_ercise regime, increase your cardiorespiratory function, to get thelong-lasting effects. and these effects are long-lasting because e_erciseactually changes the brain"s anatomy, physiology and function. let"s start withmy favorite brain area, the hippocampus. the hippocampus -- or e_erciseactually produces brand new brain cells, new brain cells in the hippocampus,that actually increase its volume, as well as improve your long-term memory,ok? and that including in you and me.


number two: the most common finding inneuroscience studies, looking at effects of long-term e_ercise, is improvedattention function dependent or your prefrontal corte_. you not only get betterfocus and attention, but the volume of the hippocampus increases as well. andfinally, you not only get immediate effects of mood with e_ercise but thoselast for a long time. so you get long-lasting increases in those good mood neurotransmitters.


but really, the most transformative thingthat e_ercise will do is its protective effects on your brain. here you canthink about the brain like a muscle. the more you"re working out, the biggerand stronger your hippocampus and prefrontal corte_ gets. why is thatimportant? because the prefrontal corte_ and the hippocampus are the two areasthat are most susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases and normal cognitivedecline in aging.


so with increased e_ercise over your lifetime, you"re notgoing to cure dementia or alzheimer"s disease, but what you"re going to do isyou"re going to create the strongest, biggest hippocampus and prefrontal corte_so it takes longer for these diseases to actually have an effect. you can thinkof e_ercise, therefore, as a supercharged 401k for your brain, ok? and it"seven better, because it"s free.


so this is the point in the talk whereeverybody says, "that sounds so interesting, wendy, but i really will onlywant to know one thing. and that is, just tell me the minimum amount ofe_ercise i need to get all these changes."


and so i"m going to tell you the answer tothat question. first, good news: you don"t have to become a triathlete to getthese effects. the rule of thumb is you want to get three to four times a weeke_ercise minimum 30 minutes an e_ercise session, and you want to get aerobice_ercise in. that is, get your heart rate up. and the good news is, you don"thave to go to the gym to get a very e_pensive gym membership. add an e_tra walkaround the block in your power walk. you see stairs -- take stairs. and power-vacuumingcan be as good as the aerobics class that you were going to take at the gym.


so i"ve gone from memory pioneer toe_ercise e_plorer. from going into the innermost workings of the brain, totrying to understand how e_ercise can improve our brain function, and my goalin my lab right now is to go beyond that rule of thumb that i just gave you --three to four times a week, 30 minutes. i want to understand the optimume_ercise prescription for you, at your age, at your fitness level, for yourgenetic background, to ma_imize the effects of e_ercise today and also toimprove your brain and protect your brain the best for the rest of your life.


but it"s one thing to talk about e_ercise,and it"s another to do it. so i"m going to invoke my power as a certifiede_ercise instructor, to ask you all to stand up.


we"re going to do just one minute ofe_ercise. it"s call-and-response, just do what i do, say what i say, and makesure you don"t punch your neighbor, ok? music!


(upbeat music)five, si_, seven, eight, it"s right, left,right, left. and i say, i am strong now. let"s hear you.


audience: i am strong now.


wendy suzuki: ladies, i am wonderwoman-strong. let"s hear you!


audience: i am wonder woman-strong.


ws: new move -- uppercut, right and left. iam inspired now. you say it!


audience: i am inspired now.


ws: last move -- pull it down, right andleft, right and left. i say, i am on fire now! you say it.


audience: i am on fire now.


ws: and done! ok, good job!


thank you. i want to leave you with onelast thought. and that is, bringing e_ercise in your life will not only giveyou a happier, more protective life today, but it will protect your brain fromincurable diseases. and in this way it will change the trajectory of your lifefor the better.


thank you very much.(applause)


運動英語演講稿 模板5



good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.i"m very honoured to be the host for today"s competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 1th “welcome new year”cup english speech contest. this is the final of senior and junior groups. thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition. in today"s show. there are 21 contestants in both groups. they are coming from different classes of different grades. i hope we can e_change e_periences of how to learn english better.these e_periences will be very useful for the students in our school.so i hope we"ll all make good use of this opportunity.

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運動英語演講稿 模板7



good afternoon, everyone,all over the world people enjoy sports. sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.sports change with the seasons. people play different games in winter and summer. swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. football, for e_ample, has spread around the world. swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. some sports or games go back thou-sands of years, like running or jumping. chinese wushu, for e_ample, has a very long history. but basketball and volleyball are rather new. people are inventing new sports or games all the time. water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.people from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. sports help to train a person~s character. one learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.

運動英語演講稿 模板8


i"d like to talk about sportsmanship.

here is a quote i want to start with.

it"s "win or lose,be a good sport."

that means always play fair.

always follow the rules.

always be honest and polite.

we have competitions every day.

we face challenges every moment.

we compete with others all the time.

when we win,we should be humble.

we should put ourselves in the others" shoes.

we should understand how they feel.

we can compliment our opponents.

we can give them an encouraging word.

we can say, "you did a great job,too."

remain silent and modest.

never gloat or be too proud.

enjoy the victory,but don"t rub it in.

when we lose,we should be gracious.

we should put our disappointment aside.

we should congratulate the winner sincerely.

no one likes to lose.

but it"s a chance to learn more.

we should be thankful for the e_perience.

life is like a game.

sometimes we win;sometimes we lose.

a good attitude will make us winners for life.


id like to talk about sportsmanship.here is a quote i want to start with.its win or lose,be a good sport.that means always play fair.alw

